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5 Tips to Ensure Halloween Isn't a Furbaby Nightmare

Halloween is a fun and spooky holiday filled with costumes, candy, and decorations. While many people eagerly await this festive occasion, it can be a night of stress and anxiety for our furry friends. The constant doorbell ringing, strange costumes, and the abundance of candy can make Halloween a real nightmare for pets. However, with a little preparation and consideration, you can ensure that your pets have a safe and happy Halloween. In this article, we'll explore five tips to help make Halloween a treat, not a trick, for your beloved animals.

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Dear Los Angeles, Scoop That Poop!

International Pooper Scooper Week is celebrated annually from April 1st through 7th. Its goal is to encourage pet parents to scoop their pets’ poop and discard it responsibly. Today, we are going to break down the top reasons why it is important to scoop that poop - both for our pets and our communities!

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